Spencer and I have lived a lifetime in our 8 short years together. We’ve weathered some pretty mighty storms. Looking back, everything makes sense. God’s plan is so real and His will always works in our favor. Spencer and I married within the year we met and we welcomed our daughter four months later. Surett has been and will always be our family’s (first) greatest blessing. Two weeks after Surett was born, a close relative was rushed to the hospital. He was in the ICU for a month with a 50/50 chance of making it. I remember holding my new baby as my mom cried telling me I may need to come home. The sadness, but also the need to protect my parents was overwhelming. Little did I know, God was preparing me. He was preparing my heart, my mind, and my capability to support my husband in the way he would need me 7 years later. Almost losing him was gut wrenching. But, it gave me the ability to be there for my family in a way that I will always be proud of.