Not Sure What To Say

GRIEF. It’s heavy. It’s hard. It’s A LOT. When you love someone walking through the thick of tragedy, it can be tricky. What should I say? How do I say it? Should I say anything at all? Through my experience, a little goes a long way. I feel so lucky to have anyone who cares enough to ask the simplest question. To be frank, I’m sincerely thankful to be thought of at all. When you walk through tragedy/grief, you are constantly grasping for any sort of comfort; a simple ‘how are you’, a check in text, or a random hug…these small gestures go farther than you think. See, the thing is, when you experience sudden loss, your world stops. And the hardest thing, for me, Is everyone else’s world continues on. I told my therapist one day I loathed school pick up. I told her I felt like I was standing in the middle of a circle, completely still, and everyone around me was circling at the speed of light. I felt so alone. I wanted to scream, “don’t you see my hurt!?” “Don’t you see my family’s grief!?” But the thing is, they don’t. They aren’t supposed to. What I will say is, don’t ever hesitate. Follow your heart. Love your people because they need you more than you will ever know.